When Post-Delivery Complications Cause Serious Injuries

Are you uncertain what happened after your baby was born and whether his or her care caused serious injury or even death? Do you suspect that the delivering physician, the nurses or other hospital staff were negligent in some way? Are there questions about the postpartum care or resuscitation?

Questions regarding post-delivery care we can look into include:

Full Investigation and Accountability

The San Francisco Birth Injury Law Office resources to mount a full investigation into a suspected birth injury caused by medical malpractice. We offer prospective clients a list of clients whom we have been able to help through successful negligence or malpractice claims.

We are here to help clients investigate concerns relating to hypoxia and preventable brain damage, resuscitation concerns, or any other birth injury questions. Contact the firm for a free initial consultation.

Whether you are facing a case of Vacuum & vaginal delivery issues, Induction Injuries, Resuscitation Injuries or Emergency Cesarean section issues, our Attorneys will defend your rights.

In these delicate and sad cases, the experience of our Attorneys and the empathetic approach makes our Law Firm the choice for hundreds of clients.

We represent all personal injury clients on a contingency fee basis, which means we charge no attorney’s fee unless we win results on your behalf. Contact us to get a free consultation!